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Auto Lamp Mould

Zhejiang TaiZhou ZunChi Auto Lamps Moulding Co.,Ltd. is situated mould home town of China---Huangyan.At present,which is specialized design,Manufacture aotdamps mold company.Established until now,have madeaotolamps mould for Corolla,MONDEO,BORA,EXCELLE,FOTON,HONDA truck.And export to the Middle East,Europe and so on.The company have designed more 50 sets of new products deeply praise from auto company and others factory.New century,New beginning,We take the scientific Management as the foundation,Take the market as the guidance,Positively develops the new products,propagandize the enterprise spirit,Strengthening business management, Development more high qualities aotolamps mould products. In network times today,The information technology founded a brand-new exchange plastform for us ,We believe tednnical innovation for the development ,illuminating the future by the technic... ...We will believe it is the truth that the good future by our cooperation and intercommunion.
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Company Taizhou Zunchi AutoLamps Moulding Co.,Ltd. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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