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  • Place of Origin: China Zhejiang
  • Business model: Manufactur
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Sea foot pedal

Taizhou Huangyan SouthEast Plastic Packing Factory is the earliest manufacturer of blowing and injecting product in Huangyan Areaa, It is specialized in blowing all kinds of abnormity plastic parts and relative mould manufacturer. We have more than 10 years specialized producing experience, adopt the advanced full-computer blowing machine, the blow products weight can be 12 kgs. Our blow products are as follows: 1, all kinds of massage chair’s plastic handle. 2. craftwork and gardening series. 3. All kinds of Autocar expert hot-cold vent pipe and injection, plastic parts and so on. 4. home appliance, hardware,tooling and all kinds of toolbox series 5. health equipment 6.various plastic oil box, plastic barrel, table and others.
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oil box,toolbox,blow products,Craftwork and gardening

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Company Taizhou huangyan Dongnan Plastic Packing Factory Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Zhejiang Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Auto & Moto Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , Mould Manufacturer / Household goods  , Mould Manufacturer / Other Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Home appliance  , 
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