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  • Place of Origin: China Hubei
  • Business model: Manufacturer
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P20 Die Steel

P20/1.2311 We are professional manufacturer of alloy steel, we supply kinds of alloy steel more than 20000 ton a year, and our factory passed ISO9001:2000, the main facilities are 1 set of 10 Ton EAF,1 set of 10Ton LF & 1 set of 10 Ton VOD, and electro-slag furnace from 0.5Ton to 10Ton, Electro-hydraulic hammer from 1Ton to 10Ton, 40Ton annealing furnace. We have a experienced team for production, so we can ensure the quality. Chemical Composition: C 0.35-0.45 Si 0.2-0.4 Cr 1.8-2.1 Mn 1.3-1.6 Mo 0.15-0.25 P �.03 S �.03 Standard: Chinese American German Swedish Japanese GB AISI DIN ASSAB JIS 3Cr2Mo P20 1.2311 618 PDS-3 Application: used for machining various large-sized or medium-sized precise plastic moulds and low melting point alloy parts, like: tin, zinc and lead alloy casting moulds. Properties 1. Possess good comprehensive mechanical property 2. High harden ability characteristic 3. Can make the steel after the procession of heat refining have the Symmetrical hardness 4. Good mirror finishing process ability 5. Usage of steel after prehardening :Guarantee service performance of the mould, Avoid the mould distortion.
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Alloy Steel/ Die Steel/ Mold Steel

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Company TR Metal Material Business modelManufacturer
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Hubei Business TypeManufacturer (Manufacturer)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Mould Steel  , 
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