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On hot selling anti corrosion steel plate16MnR,08Cu,A588,St37-3Cu3,Fe235W,Fe355W 1. Grade: 16MnR(HIC),08Cu,16MnCu St37-3Cu3 A588M(A,B,C,K),A242MCL.2 Cor-TenB,10CrMoAL 16CuCr,12MnCuCr 15MnCuCr,15MnCuCr-QT 09CuPCrNi SMA400(AW,BW,CW) SMA400(AP,BP,CP) SMA490(AW,BW,CW) SMA490(AP,BP,CP) SMA570W,SMA570P Fe235W,Fe355W WR50B,WR50C 2. Delivery time: 20--40 days 3. Delivery State: Hot rolled ,Normalizing , Tempering , Normalizing plus Tempering ,Quenching and Tempering , other delivery states. 4. Specifications(T*W*L): 8--300 mm* 1500-3900mm * 3000--18000 mm 5. Adopting standards: DIN17100, ASTM. GB417,GB4171 JISG3114,ISO4954 BS4360 6. Payment item: T/T,L/C 7. Trading item: FOB, CIF, CFR , CNF We promise that we will provide the best quality,the most competitive price,the most fast delivery and the best service to vast customers. We sincerely expect vast customers inquire and purchase Wuyang steel wide-heavy plates. Best regards to you and your family.
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Company HENAN HZZ IRON & STEEL CO., LTD Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Mould Steel  , Supplementary Material / Molding Material  , 
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