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KL-167 set shows digit display sodium instrumentat



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KL-167 set shows digit display sodium instrumentat

KL-167 set shows digit display sodium instrumentation KL-167 intellectual acidometer is an accurate electrochemical apparatus which is used to measure the sodium ion and basicity, electrode potential and the temperature of solutions.It is an accurate secondary instrument with LED digital display. It can be used with various ion selective electrodes to measure cell potential of electrodes in solution. The negative logarithm of the ionic activity in solution can be read directly. The instrument can also be used as an accurate pH meter and an accurate mV meter with high input impedanceAccording to Nernst equation combined with micro computer technology, the apparatus carries out real timely monitoring and data treatment. Then the acidity result can be measured. KL-167 Model Technical Specification: Measuring range: pNa:0~9;Na+:23g/L~0.023μg/L pNa+:1~7;Na+:2.3g/L~2.3μg/L Accuracy: ≤?.02pNa/3pNa ?.05pNa?digitals Resolution: ?.01pNa stability: 0.02pNa/24h AC: 220V?0% 50Hz?% calibration: single-point double-point display: 4-digital LED environment: temperature: 0-50℃ humidity:<85% The handy key board for the selection of the various functions.The possiility of automatically correcting errors in measurement due to temperature and the extreme simplicity of regulation all sereve to permit a rapid and reliable execution of calibration and measurement. The display on the front panel reveals the temperature. PH or m V reading taken by the instrument. The instrument comes supplied with a combined PH electrode and aprobe for the measurement and compensation of the temperature.
Supplier information

Water Quality Testing(monitoring) Instrument: PH meter, conductivity meter, TDS meters, ORP meter; pNa meter, salt meter; rotary

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Company Kelilong Electron Co.,Ltd, Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Fujian Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Medical & Chemical Mould  , Mould Machine / Electric Tools  , 
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