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40 moulds solder Guan Ji

Buddhist city proper Li Dongxing inflexible pattern mill of stainless steel in Foshan city ----High grade business that the development is sit up that the billows that the pedestal drops to have in Foshan city in Guangdong " possess that the rust steel specially keepes down " the calls Shi Zhen is leans on through in the 90 early 20th century one " quality and cordial letter " .he anthology designs and development , tabrication and project fix the after-sale service specialization manufacture companies to to a man .Main manufacture and sale stainless steel solders the tube ( TIG ) fill : Produce string , Fang Juguan , circular tube burnishing paste engine , different patterns and and so on whole set of manufacture installation .
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Company FoShan LiDongXing stainless steel factory Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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