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the newest peanut,corn,seeding machine



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Noor .Hui
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the newest peanut,corn,seeding machine

Product description 1)Good versatility,Wide application range,Even broadcasting,etc 2)2BFY-24 36 Grain Drill Fertilizer is the updated version on basis of traditional draft type seeders, which is suitable for drilling small sizes of seeds such as wheat, soybean etc. in large and middle sized fields. 2BFF-24 is equipped with big angle openers, which makes it possible to drill wheat in wider strip zone in Spring. For 2BFY-36 Grain Drill Fertilizer, the transit device in horizontal direction is at option to be assembled if customers need it. The press device can also be equipped at option for each of the above machines. These machines feature as below: By means of hydraulic system, Openers can be lifted or lowered, and working depth can also be adjusted at ease, which makes operation more convenient and reliable. Both the walking wheel and driving wheel come with rubber tires, so transit is fast, and drilling weight is exact. Body of Opener is made of steel, which features good strength, so it is even suitable for hard soils. By means of united movement, rows markers and Openers can be lifted or lowered at the same time, then it is simple in operation. The distance between front openers and back openers is enlarged, so it can pass faster. 2BFY-24/2BFF-24/2BFY-36 Series Technical Specifications Model No 2BFY-24 2BFF-24 2BFY-36  Overall Dimensions(cm) 438*368*165 438*377*165 617*403*165  Net Weight(kg) 1320 1430 1900  Working Width(cm) 360 360 540  Working Depth(mm) 30-80 30-80 30-80  Driving Power(kw) 36.8-60 36.8-60 48-74
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agricultural machine,farm machine,seeder,fertilizer,corn thresher,corn harvester and so on

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Company Shijiazhuang Langtuo Machine Co.,ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Machining Center  , Mould Machine / Pneumatic Tool  , Mould Machine / Conventional Machinery  , Mould Machine / Tool & Measure  , Mould Machine / Foundry Machinery  , 
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