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heat cutting granulator plastic machinery



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heat cutting granulator plastic machinery

This unit consists of extruder, machine nose, cutter plate, dynamo, blower, wind conveying unloaded device, electric controlling device and so on. It is mainly used for the thermo plasticity granulating of PVC, PE and cable material. It has features of high output, uniform granulation, easy to operate and so on. This unit is controlled automatically, the auxiliary machine uses wind conveyance to collect materials, vibrating, severing and cooling, having the advantages of high-degree automation, high efficiency output and so on. This unit has wind conveyance collecting material system and is made of stainless steel. It is anti-corrosion, anti-abrasion, elegant and durable.
Supplier information
Company Qingdao Fushun Plastic Machinery Co.Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMoulding Equipment / Extrusion Plastic Machine  , 
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