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Woven Wire Cloth

This page provides information on wire materials applied for wire cloth, properties, and specification of most popular kinds. Woven wire cloth refers to wire fabrics made by weaving looms from stainless steel, brass, copper, Monel and other weavable metals. This page provides information on wire materials applied for wire cloth, properties, and specification of most popular kinds. Wire materials for woven wire cloth in stainless steel: AISI 304, 304 L, 316 and 316 L AISI 304: This type is the basic stainless alloy mostly commonly used for wire cloth weaving. It offers excellent property against rusting and oxidation. AISI 304 L: Materials similar to 304, with reduced carbon content for better weaving. AISI 316: Stainless stabilized by the addition of 2% molydbenum. It has better resistance to pitting corrosion than the other chromium-nickel stainless steels and high strength at elevated temperatures. Other mechanical properties and fabricating characteristics are similar to AISI304. Wire cloth woven of T-316 has extensive use in chemical processing when better corrosion resistance is required than the regular chromium-nickel types. AISI 316 L: Very similar to AISI316, yet with the reduced carbon content for better wire cloth weaving. Brass and Phosphor Bronze Woven Wire Cloth Material: Brass wire, copper wire and phosphor bronze wire. Copper wire offers excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. It is non-magnetic, anti-sparking and is resistant to atmospheric corrosion, salt air and brine.Copper applications are limited due to its low tensile strength, poor resistance to abrasion and common acids. Brass Wire: High brass (70% copper, 30% zinc) wire and low brass (80% copper, 20% zinc) wire have much better abrasion resistance, better corrosion resistance and lower electrical conductivity when compared to copper wire. Phosphor Bronze Wire: This copper-tin (4% to 9% tin, approximately 0.25% phosphorous with the balance copper) alloy wire is corrosion, wear and tear resistant was frequently used in the past for fine mesh cloth. Brass wire cloth is excellent for marine and out of door applications because of its immunity to rust and salt solutions. Brass wire mesh and cloth is an ideal mesh for fabricating gasoline filters and baskets fro electropolishing. It possesses greater strength than copper or bronze. Copper wire cloth: The primary usages of copper in wire cloth are in these applications requiring corrosion resistance, electrial and thermal conductivity, spark resistance and non-magnetic properties. Copper wire cloth finds wide usage in traveling water screens, radio frequency interference shielding, sugar and marine applications.
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Company Tejido Stainless Steel Mesh Co.,Ltd. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Hebei Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessCoordination & Synergy / Wire Cut Machining  , 
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