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Residential Chain Link Fence

Residential chain link fences are woven generally with metallic wire of galvanized iron, they can also be woven in stainless steel, copper, brass, aluminum, or with galvanized and plastic coated galvanized wire. Chain link fences are high resistance wire fabrics, because they are usually manufactured with wire from 12 BWG (2,7 mm) to 10 BWG (3,1 mm), even so they can also be woven with galvanized wire from the gauge 16 BWG (1,6 mm) up to 8 (4,7 mm), with several meshes openings from 1/2 " up to 5 ". The common opening type of chain link fence is diamond opening. Chain link fence is the most common fence fabrics of sporting blocks, lands, industries, parks, residences, etc. We can produce chain link fence fabrics up to 6m of height in variable length rolls, while they are usually produced with 20 or 25 meters. In the areas with a lot of humidity, or in littoral areas, chain link fence of galvanized and coated with PVC wire is recommended that will have a larger durability due to its double anti-corrosive protection. At high moistness environment or beach-shore environment, we suggest to use the plastic coated galvanized chain link fence, because they have double protection and so their duration will be so long. The chain-link fences are very much used in: Fences for houses, edifices, ranches and farms Boundary fences for sports yards Football and soccer yards fences Chicken yards, zoo and gardens etc.
Supplier information
Company Yudemei Chain Link Fencing Factory Business modelTrading Co
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business TypeTrading Co (Trading Co)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Mould Steel  , 
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