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PVC fiber reinforced hose production line



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PVC fiber reinforced hose production line

PVC fiber strengthen hose is also called PVC net hose or snakeskin hose. It has three layers, the inner and the outer layer is plastic material and the middle layer is fiber strength net. It has good mechanical property and chemical property, which suits for the transportation of high pressure and corrosive air, water. It is comprehensively used in machinery, colliery, petrol, chemistry, agriculture irrigation, garden water hose, construction, civil products (solar water heater, gas pitcher). This production line can produce transparent PVC fiber knitted hose, color PVC fiber knitted hose, garden water hose and PVC non- knitted hose. This production line is composed with extruders(2 sets), cooling calibration tables(2 sets), drawing machine(2 sets), twisting thread machine(1 set), one heat oven(1 set), twin-position winder(1 set), mould and so on.
Supplier information
Company Qingdao Zhenxiong Plastic Machine Co.,Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , 
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