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IGBT Superaudio heating equipment



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IGBT Superaudio heating equipment

1.Production Name: IGBT Superaudio heating equipment 2.Production Description: 1) IGBT Superaudio heating equipment 2) Energy Saving, lower product cost 3) High efficiency, Improve productivity 4) use in small capacity precious metal melting, bar heating, hardening, tempering, and anneal heating 3. Product usage: Use in small capacity precious metal melting Use in small size bar heating Use in turning tool, drill bit, drill, radiator, and small size workpiece anneal Use in roller, gear, cutter, guide rail hardening and heating Use in steel tube, stainless steel tube hardening and tempering, anneal heating Use in steel wire, steel rebar, stress relief annealing heating 4. Package: Plywood cases and nude 5. Super audio Furnace Technology Specifications: Model Input Power Input Voltage Oscillation Frequency Cooling Water Gage Weight CYP-60 60KW 380V 10-50Hz ��?.05Mpa 70KG CYP-80 80KW 380V 10-50Hz ��?.05Mpa 90KG CYP-100 100KW 380V 10-30Hz ��?.05Mpa 100KG CYP-120 120KW 380V 10-30Hz ��?.05Mpa 100KG CYP-160 160KW 380V 10-30Hz ��?.05Mpa 100KG Model/Item Input Voltage (V) Output power (KW) Oscillation Frequency (KHz) Cooling Water Quantity (T/H) Cooling Water Gage (MPA) IGBT160KW/4-50KHZ 3-380 160 4-50Hz 4 0.4 IGBT200KW/4-30KHZ 3-380 200 4-30Hz 5 0.4 IGBT250KW/4-30KHZ 3-380 250 4-30Hz 6 0.4 IGBT350KW/4-30KHZ 3-380 350 4-30Hz 8 0.4 IGBT400KW/4-20KHZ 3-380 400 4-20Hz 12 0.4
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Medium Frequency Furnace,intermediate frequency furnace,Smelting Furnace,induction furnace,intermediate frequency electric furna

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Company Weifang Jinhuaxin Electric Furnace Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shandong Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , 
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