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HB-ZJZR-1228 vacuum emulsify mixer machine



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HB-ZJZR-1228 vacuum emulsify mixer machine

This machine is composed of one blade mixer for high viscosity and one micro homongereous high speed mixer with high strength-cut-off.There are scrapers attached to scrap the inner wall of the container to make the new interface generation in the treated solution continuously.The treated solution, is treated by the cut-off. compress and fold-up of the blade, will flow down the right position of the homogereous mixer by the way of blade mixing.The mixing part of the homogereous mixer is composed of a unique turbine with a high rotary speed and a radial stator having the flow refrctive plates.The pressure at the botton and upper part of the turbine has the runctions by the high speed rotations of the turbine has the functions like those of the rotations of a prmp and is continuously sucked upward by the treated solution.The sucked solution that is sucked on the statou is freely handle by the strong cut-off. Impact and turbine current processed produced between the turbine under high-speed rotations and the stator and therefore is prlverized and dispersed and then is sprayed upward and out form the top spray outlet. ITS OTHER FEATURES ARE :1.emulsifying and mixing super viscous materials(above 50,000 C.P.S)。2.To directly suck the raw materials into the tank by this machine。3.A set of this machine can do the integrated operations of vacuum, heating, cooling process。4.Pulverization, emulstion, mixing and uniformity and dispersion can be completed within a short tine。5.The Homo Mixer and Paddle Mixer can be used separately。6.The material contacted the liquid is stainless steel to prevent corrosion。7.It can reduce the air and bacteria contamination by mixing in the vacuum. Tokeep the product hygiene and stability。USAGE:Coating, food stuffs, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, Pigments, dyes and aids, general chemicals, and various synthetic fiber, leather, and plasticizer.
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