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Die Board Cutting Machine
1. Applied Field
Template cutting industry (6-20mm wooden template cutting, and 3-8mm plastic
template cutting, organic glasses cutting (Only Cut For One Time), and cutting for plywood, wood, plastic, organic glasses, etc.
2. Product Features
(1) High technology
The only machine which adopts the technology of small-medium power sealed co2
lasers, can cut through wood board with 20mm thickness in one time, its
technology level is the first among this industry in China.
(2) High-precision
Adopts imported guide rail, advanced numerical control system and appropriate software configuration, ensures the cutting performance???s high repeatability.
(3) High stability
It perfectly combines special optics design with two-dimensional accurate working table, thus make a promise for the laser ray???s stability and the cutting width???s uniformity.
(4) Super low power consumption
It is easy to realize any graph???s cutting with very low power consumption ( equals with 10% of large power lasers), for it employs small-medium power sealed co2
lasers and designed with customers in mind.
(5) No consumption of inactive gas
The only machine in China which cut directly with compressed air, no need to configurate with any other inactive gas, thus greatly lowered the operation cost.
(6) Easy to maintain
Owning to the modular concept, the realization of all functions are integrally designed and the equipment is very compact, thus greatly reduces the user???s
maintenance times and degree of difficulty.
3. Technical Parameters
Type PEC-8060 PEC-1280 PEC-1512
Cutting Table Size 800*600mm 1200*800mm 1500*1200mm
Cutting Area 780*580mm 1180*780mm 1460*1160mm
Repeated Position precision +- 0.03mm +- 0.05mm
Cutting Power 300w
Cutting Depth < 20mm
Cutting Width 0.35mm -0.75mm adjustable, > 0.75mm adjustable
Cutting Speed 10 -2000mm /min
Support Format PIL, DXF, etc.,
Machine Power 2.5 KW
Measurement 2600*2000mm 3000*2700mm 3200*3300mm