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Copper Melting Induction Furnace



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Copper Melting Induction Furnace

1.Production Name: Copper Melting Induction Furnace, Aluminum Shell 2.Production Description: 1)Aluminum Shell Intermediate Frequency Induction Furnace for melting 2) With Reduction Gear 3) Melting Copper 4)0.15-3.0 tons capacity 3.Usage: Medium Frequency Induction Furnace Mainly used in melting steel, iron, copper, aluminum and alloy, is with high melting efficiency, good electricity saving effect, good metal component uniformity, less burning loss, speedy temperature rise, easy control of temperature, is suitable to all kinds of metal melting. 4.Characters and Advantages: 1) Constant power output, speedy melting, good electricity saving efficiency. 2) Zero-voltage sweep-frequency style start, adapts to requirement of frequently start. 3) Comprehensive protection functions, such as overcurrency protection, overvoltage protection, current-limiting protection, voltage-limiting, water-break protection, and default protection, equipment runs reliably under premise of melting speed guarantee. 4) Easy to operate, suitable for all casting process. 5. Package: Plywood cases and nude
Supplier information

Medium Frequency Furnace,intermediate frequency furnace,Smelting Furnace,induction furnace,intermediate frequency electric furna

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Company Weifang Jinhuaxin Electric Furnace Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shandong Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , 
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