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1-3T/H corn sheller and thresher (26-PTY)



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Noor .Hui
  • Place of Origin: China
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1-3T/H corn sheller and thresher (26-PTY)

Product Description 1.Main advantages: small size, light weight, simple operation, easy maintenance, high production efficiency 2.Corn(maize) sheller Structure: The main working parts corn sheller is installed on the machine rotor, through the rotor and the drum hit and threshing. It is more widely used types of threshing equipment. 3.The small corn sheller can separate the corn from the corn body without breaking the corn cob.The small corn sheller is compact designed and can clearly separate the corn from the corn body,and throw the corn at the same time.The small corn sheller is high capacity:The main data of the small corn sheller: 1)capacity:1-4ton/hour 2)Weight(kg):70/65 3)Dimension (mm):470*1250*660/470*1250*660 4)Working mode: gasoline engine or 220v-250v electric power
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agricultural machine,farm machine,seeder,fertilizer,corn thresher,corn harvester and so on

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Company Shijiazhuang Langtuo Machine Co.,ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Machining Center  , Mould Machine / Pneumatic Tool  , Mould Machine / Conventional Machinery  , Mould Machine / Tool & Measure  , Mould Machine / Foundry Machinery  , 
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