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manufacture the plastic tube closure mold



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  • Place of Origin: China Guangdong
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manufacture the plastic tube closure mold

Gosdar is specialize in manufacture the tube cap & closures mold, flip on top cap mold, flip cap mould, disc cap mould, ball caps mold, hinged dispensing cap mold,ellipse cap mold of tube, double layer cap mold, tine closures mould, plastic tube screw cap mold, the press cap mold for tube, common round cap mold for tube and so on! Gosdar company could provide the plastic tube closures mould as following: Plastic cap molds, engine oil bottle cap mould, screw & press - fit caps mould, plastic cap mould for detergent, baby bath craft box mould, base & lid molds, household detergents caps mould, personal care caps moulds, pharmaceuticals caps mould, foods caps molds, lubricants caps mould, additives caps mold, chemicals caps mold, flexible packaging caps mould, turret closures moulds, screw on closures mould, ball cap mould, flat caps mould, dome caps mould, gentle radius caps mould, convex caps mould, stable caps mould, crayon cap mould, oval push on cap mould, screw on caps mould, screw on domed caps mould, screw on ball caps mould, positive taper caps mould, pour back caps mould, dome caps mould, Polystyrene Dome closures mould, buttress cap mould, sports bottle sipper cap mould, spice cap smooth top & sides mould, inside stacking ring mould, over caps mould, lids and dispensing closures , tubs mould, pots and plastic cans for food & DIY products, uunscrewing Caps and closures mould,bump-off caps and closures mould, tamper evident caps mould, collapsible core caps and closures mould, reverse taper caps mould, smooth top closures mould, liquor closures mould, jigger dispensing closures mould, oils/Sauces cap mould, stipStippled top coarse ribs cap mould, applicator caps mould, aerosol covers mould, button cap mould, mushroom cap mould, spray covers mould, baby powder sifter cap mould, wine Stopper caps mould, cubes & drums closures mould, medium screw closures mould, neck plugs closures mould.
Supplier information
Company Guangzhou Gosdar Co.,Ltd. Business model14
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Guangdong Business Type14 (14)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Household goods  , 
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