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injection molds for soup cups



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  • Place of Origin: China Zhejiang
  • Authentication:
  • Business model: Manufactur
  • Registered capital: unfilled
  • Business Type: Manufactur(Manufactur)
  • Main products:
  • location: China/Zhejiang
  • Honor: Passed Certification VIPFirst13 Year:5Level
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Valid untillong term effective Latest update2017-03-14 16:06

injection molds for soup cups

cavity: 2 / 4 mould built to N.A standards for operations in N.A. mould deisign: 1. Complete, fully functional mould, including base platin 2. Core material is H-13 hardened to 48-50 Rc. The core will require upper and lower jump pins on their own air circuit. The core receive at #240 drawstone in the direction of release. 3. The cavity material is H-13 hardened to 48-50 Rc. The cavity water circuit will use vertical waterlines and use blade baffles as a flow separator inside the waterlines. The cavity moulding surface will be polished to an SPI #2 finish and flash chromed.O-rings for any water interface between cavity/cavity lip ring or cavity/gate pad will be machined into the cavity faces. 4.The cavity lip ring material is Be Cu high hard. Cavity moulding surfaces will need polishing to SPI #2 and flash chroming. 5.Gate pad material is H-13 hardened to 48-50 Rc. The cavity and gate pad must be match polished on the side-moulding surface. The polished area will require flash chroming. The bottom gate pad moulding surface must be drawstoned to a C-2 finish (400 stone) 6.The core air ring should be kept simple and made from H-13 hardened to 48-50 Rc. 7.the core cap should be made from Be Cu high hard, and match drawstoned to the core to aid release. The core cap will require (2) air poppets, and a centre ejector for release.
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thin wall mould,mold,injection mould,plasitc mould,pail mould,bucket mould

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Company Taizhou Huangyan Mingsheng Mould Industry Co.,Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Zhejiang Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan Data authentication  
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Household goods  , Mould Manufacturer / Other Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Toys & Crafts Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Commodity Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Home appliance  , 
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