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Silicone Bakeware-Mini Bakeware-Star



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  • Place of Origin: China Guangdong

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Valid untillong term effective Latest update2013-01-14 11:37

Silicone Bakeware-Mini Bakeware-Star

We are the manufacturer of silicone products with FDA and EEC approval. Our silicone kitchenware 's good features: 1) Made of 100% food grade silicone, non- stick, flexible and easy to clean 2) Temperature range: -58F to 582F 3) Dishwasher safe, easy to store 4) It is the revolution of baking and makes baking more fun 5) Various design and different color selection If you have interest, pls contact me freely for further information. As I am not a paid member, I could only publish a small part of my products. If you want more product details.Pls contact me for more product information Contact Person: Keynes As I am not a paid member, Pls contact me through my email. My email address is supply@dsilicone.com.It is also written on some of my product pictures.
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Company Daffodil Industrial Co.,Ltd Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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It is recommended that you confirm the final price by callingSilicone Bakeware-Mini Bakeware-Star's contact information and request a Silicone Bakeware-Mini Bakeware-Starsample to confirm the product quality. If the price of Silicone Bakeware-Mini Bakeware-Staris too low, it may be false information. Please confirm the authenticity of Silicone Bakeware-Mini Bakeware-Star, and beware of being deceived.