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tumble belt shot blasting machine



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tumble belt shot blasting machine

Q32 Series Tumble Belt Type Shot Blasting machine This series is used for surface cleaning,rust romoving,and surface intensification of each kind of middle and small scale casting, forging and job. It is suitable for diffenent production scale, can be stand-alone use and many units can also be used in conjunction with the continuous conveyor components, composing the production of clean-up lines. Q32 series abrade cleaning up machine has the advantages of advanced design, reasonable structure small energy consumption and high efficiency. This compact efficient machine has following features: 1. The impeller head is composed of blast wheel, the structure is simple and durable. 2. BE type segregator is very efficient and it can protect blast wheel. 3. The bag dust filter can greatly reduce air pollution and improve the work environment. 4. Abrasion resistant rubber belt lighten the collision of work pieces, and lower the noise. 5. This machine is controlled by PLC, the operation is easy and reliable For more information ,pls feel free to contact with ms elva .you will receive our prompt reply. Best wishes. Whuielva at gmail.com If you are interested in our products, pls contat with ms elva without hesitation
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Company shandong kaitai metal abrasive co.,ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shandong Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , Coordination & Synergy / Surface Machining  , 
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