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Concertina Razor Coil

Concertina Razor Coil KDY can produce razor type barbed wire in concertina coils of different blade types and specifications. Special specifications for concertina coils or straight type razor wire are available on request. Concertina coils are available in galvanized concertina coils or stainless steel. Types can be single coil or spiral types. Varieties of Concertina Coils (Kontsertina) Barbed Wire Tapes: Twisted steel barbed wire tape is made of galvanized steel wire at diameter of 2.5 mm, and the wire tapes created by stamping and hot-dip galvanized steel plate at thickness of 0.55 mm. Barbed tapes of various sizes can be made according to the specific requirements. Steel Razor Wire Ribbons: Steel wire mesh tape is a thick ribbon galvanized, it has two-sided blades with symmetrical arrangement. The galvanized steel wire diameter is of 2.5 millimeters, reinforced to 5 mm in diameter. The most important feature of concertina wire is that its construction is able to maintain its structure.
Supplier information
Company Shanghai KDY Concertina Razor WireFactory Business modelTrading Co
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shanghai Business TypeTrading Co (Trading Co)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , 
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