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Shoe soles silicon rubber

Product Description HY-208# silicone rubber mainly used for shoe sole molds, sand casting, sole sampling, plaster models, simple products, products with non-complex patterns, as well as product models with stable size and non-deformation. Product Feature The product, which is an environmentally-friendly liquid silicone product, is not easy to burn and can be stored and transported as non-hazardous goods. The shelf life of the product is about one year from the date of production. Inspection is required when exceeding the time limited. It can continue to be used in case of neither thickening nor deterioration. Product Specification/Models Using Instruction of shoe soles silicon rubber Component A is white flowing liquid and component B is the curing agent. For example, take silicone rubber of 100g and add 2% curing agent for mixing evenly. After the silicone rubber and the curing agent are completely mixed, put the silicon into a vacuum machine for deairing to remove the bubbles. After deaired, pouring the liquid silicone rubber into the product to be duplicated or into the mold frame. pls fee free to contact Juan Li 0086-755-89948158 and mobile 0086-13590436534 Email:hyg@szrl.net
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silicone rubber, RTV molding silicone rubber

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Company Shen Zhen Hong Ye Jie Technology Co.,Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Guangdong Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Other Mould  , 
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