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High Vacuum Insulating Oil Purifier,Oil Filtration



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High Vacuum Insulating Oil Purifier,Oil Filtration

This plant is apply to regenerate and purify the used insulation oil such as transformer oil, switch oil, mutual inductor oil and so on. It can remove water, gas, particle, free carbon, deep oxides and so on. Also it can recover the oil color. After purification, the used insulating oil can reach international standard and recover its original function. Features: 1. Besides the common vacuum oil purifier's function of dewatering, degassing and eliminating impurities, this machine can regenerate the seriously deteriorated oil by removing the polarity materials, such as the deep oxides, free carbon in the oil effectively. It can make the seriously deteriorated oil reach to the normal index like anti-oxides, acid- alkali water-solubility. 2. Three ways of using: the vacuum dewatering, degassing, removing impurities system can work independently, so dose the regeneration oil system, and also they can work at the same time. 3. The performance and lifetime of insulating oil will improve and extend awfully after purification and regeneration. Advantages: It can not only removing the water, gas and impurities which mixed in the oil, but also can improve many values reach to the national standard such as the acid value, PH value. Meanwhile, it improves the voltage-withstand value through filtering the polarity materials like free carbon, deep oxides and so on. Chongqing Zhongneng Oil Purifier Manufacture Co.,Ltd
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We offer all kinds of waste oil purification equipment such as transfomer oil purifier, lubricating oil recycling plant, turbine

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Company Global Oil Purifier Manufacture Co.,Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , Mould Machine / Metal Forming Machinery  , Coordination & Synergy / Engraving Machining  , 
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