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A333 sealless steel strapping tool



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A333 sealless steel strapping tool

Model:A333 sealless steel strapping tool Fromm Dimension: 12.7-20.0mm * 0.38-0.58mm Weight: 3.9kg Packing coalescent intensity is 80% Manner of executionismanually Lock mode: Yin and yang Applicable industry: Steel mood industry brick kiln industry and various flat-pallet packaging. Characteristic All machine of the use of aluminum alloy manufacturing Use a wear-resistant for bottom design Adjust the cutter height easily, lightweight and long service life. Product instruction Our deduction for tools used in almost all areas of common steel packaged with tools, access to reliable, rugged design, easy to use and more portable, is applicable to all walks of life packing the ideal tool to tighten, bite deduction, cut, three-step Once completed, no lead waste, and its bite withholding deduction by way of yin and yang, this way of the safety factor to achieve more than 95 percent. The ordinary iron withholding bite deduction is only 30-60 percent safety factor, the deduction for the use of the tools not only to reduce costs and improve the safety of packaging, but also rapid operation can greatly enhance the quality and efficiency of packaging.
Supplier information
Company OUPACK Inc. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Electric Tools  , 
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