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motor lamp

Taizhou Huangyan Jingyuan Plastic mould Factory, is a professional injection mould manufacturer, which is located in Huangyan, it is famoused as "Mould Town". Its range: Motorcycle mould, ATV mould, Auto parts mould, House appliance mould, Commodity mould and so on.With various precise equipments and a strong technology team, we have been producing automobile bumper, instrument etc. large-scale plastic moulds for China FAW Group, Ford, Mazda etc. Meanwhile, we have been producing motorcycle plastic moulds for Jialing Group, Construction Group and so on.Our experience and technology enable us to offer quality moulds at competitive price. Therefore, it makes Jingyuan Mould become global. Moulds exported to many foreign countries, as Korea, Uzbekistan, Paskistan, India, Brazil and so on. The moulds have won all clients' trust and commend."Responsible for products everytime, satisfy clients' requires forever" is Jingyuan Mould's Service Tenet.Welcome all clients and Foreign Trade Company to visit our factory, sincerely looking forward to cooperatinge with you, we guarantee to become your ideal mould provider.
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Company Taizhou Huangyan Jingyuan Plastic Mould Factory Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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