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making plastic, metal aluminum casting



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  • Place of Origin: China Zhejiang
  • Business model: 10
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  • Business Type: 10(10)
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making plastic, metal aluminum casting

Situated in the “Town of mould in east Zhejiang Province”, Ningbo Beilun Dagan Hongyu Mould Factory specializes in making plastic, metal aluminum casting, and low-pressure forging moulds of large and middle sizes. The products include components of motorcycle and automobile, motor casing, power tool, electrical appliance, and plastic toy, etc. The market spreads throughout country. Besides the self-produced moulds, we also assist some automobile manufacturers in designing rearview mirrors inside and outside the automobile through three-coordinate measure and 3D solid software. And we have built up a good cooperating relationship with some automobile parts manufacturers. The quality of our moulds is highly appraised by customers.
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motorcycle and automobile, motor casing, power tool, electrical appliance, and plastic toy,plastic, metal aluminum casting, and

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Company Ningbo Beilun Dagan Hongyu Mould Factory Business model10
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Zhejiang Business Type10 (10)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Auto & Moto Mould  , 
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