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making auto connector mould and product



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making auto connector mould and product

we can supply making auto connector mould and product Here are brief introduction of our company: Our company specializes in precise mould,hardware link-scrap and the related products.Our company has two professional mould factories(mainly offer precise connector mould and silicone mould. The exported plastic and silicone products include connector, precise mould parts, camera, mobile phone, and digital products etc) and one hardware factory.(offer various battery groups,charger battery) Specializing in making precision mould and components of precise machine equipment.making various kinds of plastic moulds for connector insert and hardware with plastic housing mould.Such as,mould for automobile electronic insert,mould for computer a
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Company Shenzhen Huilian Elc Co.,Ltd Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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