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  • Place of Origin: China Zhejiang
Valid untillong term effective Latest update2017-03-03 16:06

Auto Grill Plastic Mold

Taizhou Huangyan KaiHao Molds Co.Ltd. It is a professional manufacturer which produces injection plastic molds in China. It has the area of 8000 square meters. And the area of workshop is 4500 square meters. There are 120 workers in our factory. Forty people are senior technological and designing engineer. We specialize in developing and producing all kinds of plastic molds. The products always used in private car, electricity machine, household etc. Kaihao used Pro/E, UG, CQTIA, MASTCAM for molds and plastic parts design, have very strong mould design and drawing reading capacity. Also, we own CNC centre, Wire Cutting Machine, Electric Spark Molding Machine to develop and process the product of CAD/CAE/CAPP. Kaihao has passed ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System Guarantee. It insists the principle which is management innovation, high technology, better service. We adopt scientific management method to further promote the quality of mold. The hard nut to crack of the customer, our topic.
Supplier information
Company zhejiang taizhou huangyan kaihao plastic mold co., Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Zhejiang Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Auto & Moto Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Household goods  , Mould Manufacturer / Electrical Appliance Moul  , Mould Manufacturer / Packing Vessel Mould  , 
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